Moonlighting? Know its Tax Implications

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In September, Wipro terminated about 300 employees after discovering that they were working directly for one of its competitors.

The latest buzzword in India’s Silicon Valley is ‘moonlighting’ meaning  taking up side hustles by engaging in a second job simultaneously or  after office hours but secretly.

However, as Buddha said: three things cannot be long hidden - the sun, the moon and the truth.

In September, Wipro terminated about 300 employees after discovering that they were working directly for one of its competitors.

Infosys also followed suit but stopped at warning their workforce by sending an internal note - ‘no double lives’.

And made it very clear that dual employment was not permitted the violation of which may lead to termination of the employment.

Besides calling it an ethical issue, TCS said it was against its core values and culture. No action has been taken against their employees so far.

Currently, the debate is going on whether it is legal, ethical and practical in the Covid-19-driven world order.

Only after Swiggy’s announcement of the industry’s first policy allowing  its employees to take up additional jobs, the issue has drawn wider  attention.