World Mental Health Day 2022

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October 10, 2022 is World Mental Health Day according to the World Health Organization (WHO)

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The slogan, “make mental health & well-being for all a global priority” focuses on wide-scale reform of mental health services worldwide.

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During the pandemic, there were major disruptions in mental health services, widening the treatment gap that many patients faced.

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Caring for patients’ mental health is becoming increasingly important.

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It is equally as important for pharmacy staff to have training in mental health first aid and trauma-informed care.

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Another important part of supporting patients’ mental health is working with relevant state associations and advocacy groups.

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it’s important for pharmacists to care for their own mental health.

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A/c to the National Institute of Mental Health recommends the following: getting regular exercise, eating healthy meals regularly, making sleep a priority, trying relaxing activities.

Practicing all of these habits can be overwhelming, so it is important to focus on what can be done, instead of what can’t.