Infosys, HCL Tech, Tech Mahindra accused by Techies for delay in onboarding

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OnBoarding Delayed

IT giants Infosys, HCL Technologies, and Tech Mahindra have also delayed the onboarding of techies. 

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OnBoarding Delayed

Business Today previously reported  that the onboarding had been delayed at Wipro and Capgemini.

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Candidate Comments

It has been over a year but they keep postponing the onboarding date. My  father is a daily wage worker, I am unable to earn for the family  despite having offers.

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This is not the story of one but several other techies. The delay in onboarding has put many who have to pay back education loans in a difficult situation.

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A job claimant told Business Today, “My family was so happy when I got the offer from Infosys for Systems Engineer on April 22."

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Speaking of delay in onboarding, a job claimant at Tech Mahindra told  Business Today that the company cancelled candidature months after  sending out letter of intent (LOI).

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I was placed in Tech Mahindra and got LOI in March this year. They also  assigned me to courses and I did the required training without any pay.

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First they make us wait for onboarding, then they rescind the offer.

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Harpreet Singh Saluja, President of Nascent Information Technology  Employees Senate (NITES), an IT employee association, pointed out the  "hypocrisy" in the narratives of IT companies when it comes to ethics  and values.