Time  Management Skills

How They Manage Their Time

Where Time goes?

It may be tempting to blame others when we feel crunched for time. The  reality is that how we spend or waste time is of our own choosing. You can certainly choose to binge-watch TV all day instead of working on that assignment. That’s all you, and no one else.

It's not  One Day Task

Learning how to manage your time doesn’t happen overnight. It may be a lengthy process that involves tracking your time, developing new habits,  and lots of trial and error.

Understand Yourself Better

The first step to take in understanding your time management style is getting to know yourself better.

Understand Yourself Better

This discovery about yourself helps you identify the behaviors and  patterns you have that are preventing you from properly managing your  time.

Common Personalities

Since self-evaluation is never an easy task, here are six common time management personality types. When you see the one kind of personality that best describes you. You’ll be able to start finding solutions to better time management.

Management Skills

Since self-evaluation is never an easy task, here are six time management skills that you should know about it -- you’ll be able to start finding solutions to better time management.  

1. Identify and prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance.

2. Single-tasking.

3. Stop saying  “yes.”

4. Realize that things take longer than planned.

5. Overcome your perfectionism.

6. Get started by working in small chunks.