AI Startup Analyzes How Shoppers move through Store to Increase Sales

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Patrick Tu, the CEO of Dayta AI,  tells us how retailers can analyze surveillance camera data and how they  tackle privacy concerns.


Patrick Tu is the co-founder and CEO of Hong Kong-based startup, Dayta AI.


he company’s retail analysis system, Cyclops, helps shops increase  sales by recording and analyzing customers’ movements in a store.


Its service has been adopted by nearly 1,000 shops in Asia and  Europe, including shopping malls, fashion chains, restaurants, and  supermarkets.


One of the biggest features of Cyclops is we can plug and play with  their existing surveillance cameras. We can feed their camera streams  into our cloud for analysis

What’s special about Dayta AI’s services?


We can analyze what the cameras have captured; for example, how many  people pass by your shop. Knowing that helps you understand how good the  shop position is.

What kind of shopping behaviors are being tracked by Dayta’s systems?


For a high-end fashion brand, we evaluate product performances and  provide suggestions on how they could adjust the displays every 2 weeks, so they could move popular products to higher-traffic areas.

Could you give an example of retailers using these data to improve their sales?


Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance requires companies to obtain consent from customers to process personally identifiable information, such as names, phone numbers, ID or emails.

How would you address shoppers’ concerns that their movements are being recorded and analyzed


It depends a lot on the regulations of a certain country and customers’ acceptance. Now we are seeing a trend of tightening.

Will the kind of personalization we see in e-commerce reach offline shops?